Sources of Homeopathic Drugs

Sources of Homeopathic Drugs

Sources of Homeopathic Drugs
Sources of Homeopathic Drugs

In this article you will know Sources of Homeopathic Drugs. and also drugs by animal kingdom.

 “The true physician must be provided with genuine medicines of unimpaired strength, so the may be able to rely upon their therapeutic powers; he must be able, himself, to judge of their genuineness.”§ 264.

“Homeopathy presses into its service a far greater number of natural products than traditional medicine employs. It has revived many valuable agents from the unmerited oblivion into which they had fallen and is continually adding new remedies to its stock by means of the Organon it possesses in the law of similars.”Richard Hughes

Various sources of homoeopathic drugs are:

Plant kingdom.

Animal kingdom.

Mineral kingdom.




Synthetic source.

There are two sub-sources of the animal kingdom:

i.The opnitoxin — the specific source of venoms; first suggested by Dr. Farrington.

ii.The lacs — milk and milk products of several animals. Human milk is also employed as a drug in homeopathy.

Note: With the development of all branches of science including medicine, many new drugs have been introduced in the pharmacology of the other school of medicine like Adrenaline, Testosterone,Penicillin, Streptomycine, Hydrocortisone, etc.They have been put in the field of homeopathy by clinical experiences and some proving. Attempts to have a thorough drug proving by these substances are being made by individual persons and different organisations. They can all be put in the different categories of homeopathic drug sources.


Animal  kingdom  is  divided  into  severalphyta  depending  upon  their  cell  organisation,symmetry, presence or absence of notochord and body  cavity.  Here  only  the  distinctive  features of  each phylum has been mentioned.

•Phylum Protozoa (Early Animals): Theyare unicellular, mostly aquatic,  free living or  parasitic  organisms.  They  possess pseudopodia, flagella or cilia for locomotion.Nutrition    is    mostly    hetero trophic. Reproduction is by binary or multiple fissionand conjugation.

•Phylum  Porifera:  This  includes  sponges.They  are  mostly  marine  but  a  few  live  in fresh  water.  They  are  the  simple stmulti cellular  organisms  wherein  cells  are loosely held together and do not form tissues.Sponges  are  of  different  shapes  and  sizes.They are sessile. There are pores all over the body.  A characteristic canal system for the passage  of  water  is  seen.  The  skeleton  is made up of calcareous or siliceous spiculesor spongin fibres. Sexual as well as asexual reproduction is seen.

•Phylum Platyhelminthes (Flatworms):It consists of animals that are mostly parasitic.They attach themselves to the host by suckersand hooks. However, some are free living.They are the first triploblastic animals, but do  not  possess  a  body  cavity.  Tapeworms,flukes, etc. belong to this phylum.

•Phylum  Nematoda  (Aschelminthes;Round or Threadworms): Includes animalsthat are parasitic or free living. Size variesfrom microscopic to several centimeters inlength. They are triploblastic, unsegmentedand bilaterally symmetrical. They possess a body cavity which is not a true coelom. They have a fully formed alimentary canal.

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